Liability for content

The content of our website was created with the utmost diligence. However, we cannot guarantee the correctness, completeness, and actuality of the content.

As a service provider we are responsible for our own content on these pages under the general laws in accordance with § 6 (1) of the Media Services Treaty (Staatsvertrag über Mediendienste; MDStV) and § 8, (1) of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz; TDG). Service providers are, however, not obligated to supervise transmitted or stored third-party information or to research any circumstances that may indicate any illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information in accordance with the general laws shall not be affected by this. Liability in this respect shall, however, only be possible from the time of gaining knowledge of a specific violation. If any violation becomes known, we shall remove the respective content immediately.